seo vegesaurs
Vegesaurs is a much loved Pre School Children's animated television show, created in Australia by Cheeky Little Media. Set in Vegesaur Valley depicting the adventures of Ginger the Tricarrotops and her friends the Pea-Rexes the show leans into relatable themes for upper pre-schoolers likemealtixmes, sharing, friendship and play.
Our range of merchandise incudes t-shirts and books featuring Ginger and the Pea Rexes.
The Vegesaurs t-shirt range features Ginger with the words "That's the good stuff!" and the Pea Rexes with the words "Ta-da!".
The Vegesaurs range of books includes Dinner Time and Pea-Rex Rollercoaster. Both books invite young readers to explore the wonders of Vegesaur Valley and to join in on the adventures of Ginger and her friends!